Lights Out for Great Skin and Sleep!

Lights Out for Great Skin and Sleep!

Research has shown that our eyes do more then see. The have the ability to help control our circadian rhythm. We have evolved to fall asleep when its dark at night and wake to the sunlight of a new day. Exposure to light, especially blue light, during bedtime can interfere with the body’s natural melatonin production. This essential sleep hormone is secreted when its dark. Unfortunately many people are now watching television or viewing their phone or computer into the night. These blue lights can interfere with the body’s natural melatonin secretion and make it difficult to fall asleep. It may also have health consequences because you need a good nights rest for a strong immune system.

When you are asleep, your body works to heal, recharge and regenerate. That’s why getting eight hours of sleep a night is so important.

Poor sleep can also take a toll on your appearance. You may be using the finest skin care but you need plenty of sleep to make new collagen to maintain firm, wrinkle-free skin. Apply your Clientele nightly skin care and get your Zzzzs to rejuvenate your skin for a beautiful complexion. You will stay more youthful looking and healthy year round.

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